Remote monitoring — it’s not just for sophisticated command centers.
As industrial operations become more complex, they’re also becoming more dangerous. That’s why it’s critical to have real-time visibility on your workers’ gas detector readings and location — so you can make faster, more informed decisions to improve safety, productivity and compliance.
Discover easy, cost-effective technology for remote monitoring of Honeywell BWTM portable gas detectors.
Can you instantly determine where your workers are and whether they’re safe?
Real-time situational awareness is becoming a critical part of safety compliance.
Get wireless visibility without buying a wireless detector
With a simple adapter, get cost-effective connectivity for your existing portable gas detectors.
Monitor worker safety from anywhere
See the readings on your portable single-gas detectors — from any device with an internet connection.
Find out more about our gas detection solutions by contacting a Honeywell representative.
Honeywell has specialists that can provide guidance on the right safety solutions for you.