You’re sure to know the dangers of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). After all, it’s the most prevalent industrial disease in the world. But it’s also one of the hardest to spot because it affects different people at different rates. So effective prevention of NIHL depends on tailoring the protection to the individual.
See What They’re Hearing
Every worker is unique, and so is their hearing. By continuously monitoring an individual’s noise exposure, you can personalize hearing protection and proactively address hearing loss prevention.
The new VeriShield Smart Hearing Solution offers a mobile monitoring app and web portal so you can see exactly what your workers are hearing. Together with the new range of VeriShield 300 Series headsets, personalized protection in any environment is now a reality.
Hearing Conservation, Let’s Make It Personal
Occupational noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) has long been a serious risk for workers and a major challenge for safety professionals. To improve safety metrics, the importance of understanding NIHL is greater than ever, as is the awareness for protection to be personalized if it is to be truly effective.

Now You Can See Exactly What They’re Hearing
Every worker is unique, and so is their hearing.
NIHL and The Importance of Personalization
Understand the causes and consequences of NIHL.
Personalized Hearing Conservation at Work
Why does it matter and how can one achieve it?
Attend a Free Online Training
Interested in learning more about the VeriShield Smart Hearing Solution? See a live demonstration and ask questions when you register to attend a free online training. Choose a date that works for you.
Find out More about VSHS
Learn more about the our smart hearing solutions and connect with a Honeywell Howard Leight representative.