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There are many options when choosing an appropriate self-retracting device. Understand the differences to ensure you’re fully protected for your application. Connected devices are the critical link in your personal fall arrest system. Making the right choice is paramount to your safety.

 Key learnings will include:
     -Review various choices available (Standard, Leading Edge, Arc Flash, etc.)
     -Requirements for inspection of equipment
     -ANSI standards around self-retracting devices


Frank Conidi

Fall Protection Specialist

Speaker Bio: Frank Conidi is a Fall Protection Specialist who helps companies determine how to address working at heights and confined space applications.  His product knowledge allows companies to comply with various OSHA standards and keep workers safe. Frank has spent 13 years in the fall protection industry, with the last 11 at Miller Fall Protection, a division of Honeywell Safety Products. Frank enjoys music, sports and running.